Welcome to our prayer page. Do you have a concern you would like us to join you in prayer for? You may share your request with us by filling out the form below.


Please join us for prayers on conference call daily at 7:00 am, 12 noon or 7:00 pm.  The conference line is: 717-275-8940 and access code is 2167724#.

Friends! I believe we need to stay close to the Lord and one another than ever.

We’d love the opportunity to pray for you, and with you.

Additionally, you can also join us on our daily United in Prayer line run by the Seventh-day Adventist Conference. The details are just below, but continue down the page to fill out the form for your Prayer request.

Prayer Request

We will sometimes reply to prayer requests if our team feels it is warranted, but most of the time we will just pray for you based on the needs or concerns you share here. Please take not that the only required fields are your name and prayer request. All other information is optional please fill it out if you feel it is warranted.
  • Please make sure to include any and all information that you might feel is relevant.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.